Eton Connection

Our loss will be Eton and Welbeck’s gain. The intention of this scheme seems to be more about increasing the value of the land for Welbeck and Eton College by gaining planning permission rather than building houses to meet any real local housing need. This scheme makes no sense as a way to benefit local people and it is doubtful that even people further afield will benefit by gaining access to truly affordable housing.

Image from UnSplash - @anniespratt

Image from UnSplash - @anniespratt

In the end you can’t help but ask why Eton College is risking its reputation by associating itself with a development that makes no sense in terms of local need? It seems to be a purely speculative land venture designed to achieve a one-off increase in the value of the assets of an already very wealthy organisation, to serve the privileged at the expense of the rest of us.

Image from UnSplash - @anniespratt

Image from UnSplash - @anniespratt